Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Portrait Of The Artist As A Young Psychopath.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the ragged edge of anarchy.

One doesn't want to rag on a child, no matter how unpleasant the adult they become is, but dear lord, everything about that picture screams 'schoolyard bully'. It's the combination of the lack of a smile and the rather arrogant demeanor. Obviously, there's a certain level of bias on my part, but I don't think I would be favorably inclined to the child in this picture even if I didn't know who he was.

And of course, the fans will coo, to try and fool themselves that they have empathy.

1 comment:

  1. Surprisingly little cooing going on, though there was the inevitable comment about "boys becoming men" when Jan walks through a room.

    It's a rather unexpectedly random twist that he would open up a glimpse into his life like this, given how little information there is about him.

    You see "schoolyard bully" and I can see why, but that didn't come across to me independently. Not in the same way that I know with certainty that, say, Matt Gaetz was a bully. (Come on, LOOK at the guy.) Or that Laura Ingraham was a mean girl.

    I see an uncorrupted kid whose brain might, just MIGHT, have been salvageable at the time. But it was not to be.
