Tuesday, March 29, 2022

The UN's Sinister PEDOELITE!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because  the undercover cop never liked the Monkey Man.

So, not only does Muir misinterpret that piece for something a bit more fascist adjacent, he indulges in more of his wanton accusations of pedophilia.

Guess it is Tuesday.


  1. Yeah, somebody sure is obsessed with child sex. And it isn't us on the left, either.

  2. I cannot understand why Muir allows Night-Gaunt to remain part of the comment section. He is the only one who goes against the hive-mind of the peanut gallery, sometimes quite vociferously. Yet Muir does not brook ANY other dissent. I've tried under numerous aliases, and got shot down immediately. It's very strange.

  3. Huh. Maybe Night Gaunt is a family member or something?
