Sunday, June 11, 2023

Muir Talks About The Moral Degeneracy Of His Opponents While Showing His Grotesque Nudes And Begging For Cash.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because rosewood.

The actual Hemingway quote is a character explaining HOW he went bankrupt and is often paraphrased that it was, 'first a little at a time, then all at once', which is clearly closer to what Hemingway meant then Muir's mangled understanding of it. And honestly, Muir's genuine moral bankruptcy is a pretty good example of what Hemingway meant--he shifted from having a strip where every now and then he said something awful or drew a lousy attempt at a pinup, to a strip where he regularly makes nonsensical lunatic declarations and posts bad softcore.

1 comment:

  1. Yep, moral bankruptcy is right. And this one is another good example of how sloppy and unfunny the writing for the comic has gotten. The lunacy and conspiracy theories have taken over to the point that there is not much left in terms of plot or humor.
