Monday, June 26, 2023

Yes, Soon The Brutal Executions Will Set Everything Right. Soon.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Powell and Pressburger.

As Muir once again indulges in his dream of a reactionary bloodbath that will set everything right, somehow, it's hard not to note how tired this all is. The same stock Nancy and Mitch, Jan and Damon being awful, and the reminder that the infinite money font they've got works through the same authorial fiat that all his characters operate under. They are rich not because of what they do--which is waste money on bad investments--but because Muir wants them to be rich.


  1. I really don't know what to do about people who find so much glee in the idea of hanging other humans. Thinking of the peanut gallery here. I shouldn't be shocked, but occasionally it still stuns me how much cruelty and brutality there is all around me in my own country and community. It's a frightening thought.

    1. So much yes.

      The peanut gallery has for years fascinated me possibly even more than Muir's ongoing mental deterioration. Their naked, enthusiastic bloodlust is ceaseless. Whether via hanging those they hate or lining them up and summarily executing them, they never get tired of rehashing their graphic fantasies of violent murder.

      I have never encountered anything even CLOSE to this on the left or center-left. If it exists, it's a lot harder to find than this stuff on the right.

    2. Exactly right, and why I get so tired of hearing the "both sides" thing. No, they're NOT the same.
