Monday, April 22, 2024

Proud To Be Wrong And Evil On Everything.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Chicago Transit Authority.

Muir's inability to understand that things aren't always zero-sum, and that the actions he's proposing would have incredible destabilizing effects on the world says so much.

As does the fact that even his opposition to aid to Israel is morally bankrupt.

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Once Again, Another Effortless, Meaningless Fictional Victory.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Hunky Dory.

As this is the cast once against using their magitech to produce something they've done countless times before, had the baddies just admit that every batshit conspiracy theory is true, I will focus on the fact that Jan is looking terrible right now. I mean... damn. She and Damon both regularly look like blobs trying to simulate being people.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Friday, April 19, 2024

Big Sister Approves Her Complete Awfulness.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because together we will go our way.

The thing that hits you about the hivemind is about how self-congratulatory it is about its awfulness.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Tuesday, April 16, 2024

It Gives Him Joy To Make Imaginary Joe Biden Act Like This.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because and the inside jukebox goes out just like thunder.

It's clearly going to take Muir a while to get his jollies out of this scenario. Again, Muir's imagined deep state is simultaneously powerful enough to steal elections, but weak enough to quiver in fear at the idea of an uprising.