Thursday, November 15, 2012

"Clearly, This Disaster Could Have Been Avoided By Gutting FEMA!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Owlman!

This is probably the clearest case of projection Muir's ever engaged in--choosing to present Sandy as Katrina.  (Which, let us remember, he largely ignored when it was happening, all those years ago.)  Muir is convinced this is a "socialist" failure, but exactly what a "capitalist" success would like he gives not a clue. 

Still, he's showing the remarkable good sense of avoiding really going into the Petraeus matter for now.  Which means I'm expecting a big strip on it any day now...


  1. Interesting set of comics these last few days. I haven't been hearing of any particular complaints about FEMA, so unless Muir was expecting the government to get Storm to turn the hurricane away, I don't get the point. Muir, like most conservative critics, doesn't seem to have any concept of what it takes to coordinate any sort of large-scale operation. It's not like you can just fix it.

    But maybe I'm wrong - maybe private contractors could just fix it. I mean, they did a bang-up job stopping those wildfires in Colorado Springs, right?

  2. Yup. Underneath it all, Muir seems to be flailing desperately for something to write about. This was supposed to be the triumphant validation of his ideals (albeit, not quite as triumphant as he'd have liked). Now, it's looking like many Americans actually do like the President, a man who Muir seems to think is the genetically engineered love child of Doctor Doom and Snidely Whiplash, brought to term in the womb of some random Kenyan, and this is slowly breaking his brain. Which was largely broken to begin with.
