Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Evil Stupid Decadence! You Should STARVE Your Workers To Make Them More Productive!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because toot toot.

...Yeah.  As Muir continues to showcase the ignorance of actual history that has been the hallmark of the Right for generations now, (did you know that the Roman grain dole dated back to the Republic and is arguably a part of what LET them dominate first Italy, then the entire Mediterranean?) one has to ask--what does he think 'Let them eat cake' means?  You know--given how fond he is of comparing Obama and Michelle to Louis XVII, and Marie Antoinette?  (Not that poor Marie ever said that, but she is supposed to in the popular imagination...)


  1. "Gone to the Galtish provinces"? Oh, please. Comics like this one always make me wonder if Muir is on drugs, but even if he was it's not like we'd be able to tell, given what he does when he's sober.

  2. It's a longstanding suspicion of mine that Muir should list Jack Daniels as a cowriter. Especially when the strip starts heading into word salad territory.
