Thursday, May 2, 2019

"Yeah, Thu-They Are All Cowards And Wimps! *Gulp*"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because when he awoke, Lord Donald was standing at his feet.

 So, he's just going to keep this shit going on?

Right.  Why move things forward when you can stew in the cowardice and hatred that you imagine is courage.


  1. What is the right-wing obsession with not-particualrly-manly men and overweight women?

    What is that fixation about?

    1. Overweight black and Latina women.

      Got to fuel the racist fantasy.

  2. I went to school with a person who regrettably is now a right-wing media personality of low-to-middling repute, and her twin obsessions are overweight women (of all races) and trans people.

    It’s weird. Really weird.
