Thursday, July 18, 2019

"I Mean--Reps Can Just Be Summarily Removed By The Executive Branch, Right?"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because titanium.


Nothing like Muir showing his lack of understanding,  and empathy in the same strip.

1 comment:

  1. The consistency is incredible. He absolutely cannot talk about women without sexualizing them. He simply cannot do it. He cannot see women any other way.

    Joined at the hip with that is his constant infantalizing them. He sees them as “children” to be disciplined and shown the adult realities of life, which most of them will reject ——because they are women.

    On top of all that, there’s the head-spinning hypocrisy of mocking Ocasio-Cortez for hypothetically getting a job at Hooters—-from a woman who has EXACTLY THE SAME KIND OF JOB. Except with ACTUAL skin showing.

    The mental gymnastics are staggering.
