Sunday, July 28, 2019

"You'll Love Ratfucking, Sis!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because fly by night.

You know, Muir's straw versions of Democrats are so stock by this point, that they're barely worth considering. The real meat here is probably the best illustration YET of his failure with Sam and her sister.  Skye was (and largely is) supposed to be the Bad Sister, the One Who Is Awful And Wrong, the replacement Bad Liberal for Jan, who Muir had clearly come to view as a sexual fantasy object, and thus "redeemed".  Skye was going to avoid the pitfall of not being so bad really by being a truly wretched human being on top of her liberalism, demonstrating the true awfulness of liberals as seen by Muir.

And by and large she was--but there was a bit of problem there.  That problem was that Skye's behavior made her Sam's rival, and Sam handled it the way she handled any unpleasantness, by retaliating with even more extreme unpleasantness.  And thus, even though Skye was clearly bad, Sam became worse, something that quickly informed all her actions.

And here we see it again.  Skye's actions are typical awfulness, a demonstration of her narcissism.  But Sam is once again, a psychopath and a bigot.

And the story treats her as just fine.


  1. Muir will always believe that he is without a girlfriend or a wife because American women hate masculine men, and not because he's a dingbat who writes stuff like this.

    1. Ayyup. For a man who goes on about self-sufficiency and toughness, the whiny sense of entitlement just wafts off the page, don't it?
