Friday, July 19, 2019

"I Mean, We All Know That They Are Satanic Baby-Killers!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because hear what I say, sir!

Remember, babbies are good, except when they're brown babbies, when they're bad and an evil sympathy ploy used by the Evil Conspiracy of Evil.


  1. I would love somebody to force Muir to detail, point by point, specifically why such things as a $15 minimum wage, strengthening labor laws, consumer protections, energy infrastructure renewal, automatic voter registration, anti-corruption legislation, public funding of elections, restoration of Glass-Steagall, full healthcare coverage, nonpartisan gerrymandering, de-escalating foreign wars, etc. are "anti-American."

    I wish, wish, WISH somebody would force him to spell it out. On the spot. On record.

    1. Blessed Saint Ronnie was against it, and it is all evil and against the Blessed Free Market, and Muir doesn't need to think about it.

  2. But Blessed Saint Ronnie wouldn't last FIVE SECONDS in what the Republican Party has become today. That's an irony I can't get past.
