Thursday, November 21, 2019

"It's... It's All Fuh-Fake, And... And Also, A Wily Ploy On The Leader's Part!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the frog.

Why is the bunker scene from Downfall playing in my head?

Only, with a naked Eva Braun for some strange reason.

1 comment:

  1. Yet another one of Muir's "panel-one pronouncements" that is completely untethered from waking reality. "Dozens of seditious deep-state Democrats"? First of all, who are these "dozens"? Unless I've really been out to lunch, there have certainly not been "dozens" of witness testimonies in these hearings. And second, half these freaking people have been Republicans!

    Muir is one of those people who proves that having a high level of intelligence has nothing to do with whether one is blithering idiot.
