Sunday, November 24, 2019

"Just Ignore The Nuances, And All The Things That Happened That Disprove The Theory!"

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Dog of the South.

I'd argue that the fundamental story of the Republicans in the 20th century is the party turning its back, first by subtle degrees, and then violently, on being the Party of Lincoln That Saved the Nation while simultaneously demanding on being treated as if it were still that organization.

Which is pretty much how they can go on being amoral bastards while asking to be treated as moral authorities.


  1. It is difficult to wrap my head around how incompetent at political observation this man is. He has absolutely no understanding of history, context or even cause-and-effect. And the sheer ignorance and stupidity required to repeatedly characterize Antifa as being connected to the Democratic Party is breathtaking.

    What's also difficult to wrap my head around is the cognitive dissonance required to blast the Democrats as a party of exploitative racists, while flouting some of the most rank, unabashedly racist junk I've ever come across.

  2. (Case in point: this gem from JTC:
    "Blacks sold themselves into slavery all three times, off the boat by their own, then by the first RINO under false pretense, then by themselves for free shit, always as chattel for the same currency…money/power."

    Interesting how "the blacks" can conveniently erase the individuality of several hundred million with no connections between them. I wonder if the concept of "the whites" holds any meaning for this crowd? I'm going to guess it doesn't except for those moments that they get boners over Camp of the Saints.)

    Scroll down further and you'll run into the Dinesh D'Sousza version of history, where there is a direct-line continuum from the Democrats of 1865 to right now, and everything's been one, long, sinister plot to enslave and control free people---and the Republicans are possibly "controlled opposition."

    So help me god, what is it LIKE to wake up and live every single day in the world these lunatics live in?

  3. And they believe all of it, even the bits that contradict the other bits.
