Sunday, April 19, 2020

"It Is Totally Childish and Girlish To Want To Save People's Lives."

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because you better not shoot us with that bazooka.

Apologies fall far short of what Muir owes Charles Schultz for this strip. I'm trying to figure out what would cover the balance, and somehow keep getting stuck on seppuku on the man's grave, which is probably just a tad too much.


  1. This is just....I mean holy shit.

    Muir's marrow-deep need to feminize everything and everyone that he hates goes, I think, far beyond what the mere word "misogyny" can cover. This is a serious pathology that actually kind of makes Dave Sim look normal. And that is really saying a LOT.

    Schulz would have been so disgusted.

    1. Oh, yeah. The misogyny, the faux-tough guy pose, the lousy Peanuts ripoff...

      There's just so much awful going on in this strip.
