Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Misogyny, Ahoy!

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because it takes an honest man.

Yes, that's right, this is all just bad ol' wimmin whining. Thank you for making that clear once again, Muir.


  1. If the point of this wasn't so deluded and insane, I'd take the time to laugh derisively at how right-wingers like Muir constantly misread and misuse memes like "Karen."

    1. I'd argue the Karen meme does have an undeniable misogynistic undertone that Muir DOES channel correctly in this--it's just that Muir's transformation of the Karen from an upper-middle housewife yelling to talk to the manager to a young lesbian with dyed hair commenting about the hellspawn not following social distancing guidelines both strips it of anything but the misogyny while supercharging that element.
