Sunday, April 12, 2020

It Looks Like Self-Isolating Is Getting To Him...

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Richard Burton is The Spy Who Came In From The Cold.




Jesus, he is really falling apart these days.


  1. I still can't get over this "America is a authoritarian matriarchy" shtick every time he harps on it. This is a view birthed by many tightly packed layers of inexplicable crazy.
    But of course that's not enough. He has to view medical precautions in the midst of a deadly pandemic as "nanny-state" authoritarianism" because.....I was going to say "because of course he does," but no. No, that doens't follow. NONE of this shit follows any of this other shit. This is just stark, raving insanity.

    Mass psychosis, to be sure. His peanut gallery is all on the same wavelength, freely expressing the problems with universal suffrage. Naturally. Because this entire situation is all about women, somehow.

    1. I mean,he's been producing this sort of misogynistic drivel for years now, but this is getting incoherent even by his standards.
