Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Quick! Go Get Zombie Andrew Jackson From The Democratic Crypt To Deal With These Nullifiers!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because and the world did gaze in deep amaze.

This is a fascinating retread of a lot of Muir bullshit, from the stock Democrat drawings and the stock Director Wray drawing, to Muir's ongoing collapse into crazier right wing theories of how things work. But the bit that sticks out is that his tiny militia is apparently important enough to get the notice of what Muir imagines to be the sinister leadership of the Deep State.


  1. Call me ignorant, but I don't believe the head of the FBI reports directly to Congressional leadership like this.

    Having paid little attention to DBD between around 2007 and 2015 (the years when he transformed from right-wing stooge to crazed lunatic), I have no idea why the "fedgov" is so preoccupied with Zed's compound. What's the story there?

    1. Muir doesn't understand how things work, part infinity.

      To your second inquiry having paid attention, it makes no sense, and is only because of Muir's swollen sense of self-regard. Captain Mitty's band must be a big deal.
