Friday, April 30, 2021

Don't Tell Him How That One Ended.

  It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Fox Volant of the Snowy Mountain.

Ah, the modern American Right's eternal love for a society of racist, pederast slave-owners who failed, then went on to betray everything they fought for in this war.

And we say they don't know themselves.

Thursday, April 29, 2021

We're Holding The Feds Off With Our Allies, The Saucer Men.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Young Flying Fox.

You know, as Muir indulges in his fantasy that he is connected to some epic struggle that amounts to an undeclared civil war, let's point out that the Compound has performed so many crimes it kind of begs belief that they aren't imprisoned right now.

Wednesday, April 28, 2021

They Have To Be The Bad Guys! NOT US! NEVER US!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because The Book and the Sword.

Ahh, yes, where the Democrats did the ultimate crime of not letting the Right win, and then followed up by not letting the Right's badly thought out coup attempt to succeed. This is a fascist strip now, plain and simple, right down to the delirious conspiracy theories to explain why you lost and to justify any awful action you take.

Tuesday, April 27, 2021

How Dare You Feel Differently Than Him!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Blade-Dance of the Two Lovers.

The quiet irony that Muir's misogynistic response is far more hysterical and emotional than the post that he decries while revealing his irrationality and inability to deal with actual problems really underlines where DbD is these days.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Sunday, April 25, 2021

Friday, April 23, 2021

Next Up Russian Guyovitch Teaches Us About Moose And Squirrel.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because The Sword Stained with Royal Blood.

So Russian Guyovitch now not only invariably brings up irrelevant Cold War politics up regardless of the circumstance--he does so while insisting this shows how hip and cool and with it he is, a real voice of the youth.

Muir's not handling getting old well at all.

Thursday, April 22, 2021

We Da Real Muricans!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because The Smiling, Proud Wanderer.

As this is yesterday's strip, only more blatantly more racist, let's just say that it makes total sense that Muir would go all in on backing convicted murderer Derek Chauvin and leave it at that.

Wednesday, April 21, 2021

She Says This To The Jewish Cast Member.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Ode to Gallantry.

Muir is providing a pretty clear example of how white supremacy works, by allowing people who are stupid, cowardly, and unaccomplished to imagine that they are really smart, brave and talented, and if only the evil inferiors could be gotten rid of, well, they'd be where they should be.

Tuesday, April 20, 2021

And That's Why We Need To Bring Back Powdered Wigs!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Heaven Sword and Dragon Sabre.

Muir's cast babbling on about the Enlightenment virtues while showing none of them is... well, about standard for this present brand of awful.

Monday, April 19, 2021

How Can Racism Be Racist, He Asks You?

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Return of the Condor Heroes.

I just am dully amazed he has the Jewish character nodding along with this idiocy. It's like he's lost whatever filter to try and give himself wiggle room he once had.

Sunday, April 18, 2021

We're Just Like The Founding Fathers, If They Were Whiny Morons.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Legend of the Condor Heroes.

I'll give Muir this--this would almost fit the long-neglected 'one good(ish) strip a year' standard from the early days, filling a lengthy deficit. Except underpinning it is Muir's swollen ego and lack of understanding of history.

Friday, April 16, 2021

Let's Mine This Shit A Little Further.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because ol' black water, keep on rollin'.

It's the blend of hypocrisy, stupidity and deep misogyny, all so supremely revealing, that hits a new brand of low for this strip.

Thursday, April 15, 2021

Let's All Have A Moment Of Stunned Silence.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Jesus wants me for a sunbeam.

Because of course, Muir would follow his creepy ogling strip accusing other people of being pedophiles. Of course he would. 

Wednesday, April 14, 2021

This Can Only Get Creepier.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because creme de caocao.

So we take a break from accusing everyone else of being a Nazi for objecting to your armbands and snazzy uniforms to... ogle teenagers.


In the DbD of 2021 there is only various forms of Hell.

Tuesday, April 13, 2021

Epic Projection, Now In Cinemascope.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Santa Esmeralda.

 On some level, Muir knows he's the goosestepper following a pathetic old man whose never won the popular vote, pretending he's cool. But that level only makes Muir shout about he's being oppressed by jerks by not being allowed to do whatever he wants ever more.

Monday, April 12, 2021

In Which "Youse The Real Racists" Gets Weird On Us.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because soundtrack by Hans Zimmer.

It says something that Muir can't even drag out the old canard of how 'the Democrats were the KKK' (which even in its kinder interpretation of what Muir means is a massive simplification, and for most of them is outright bullshit) without starting off to note that white people are the real victims these days.

Sunday, April 11, 2021

The Numbers Might Be Faulty, And The Interpretation Horseshit, But Hey, Look At That Wall Of Text.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because it's a long way to Buffalo--a long way to Belfast city too.

Muir once again asserts that opposing Nazism is EXACTLY WHAT THE NAZIS WOULD DO, and if you don't agree with him, well, his imaginary Jewish friend does, so what do you say to that, liebrul? Let's all appreciate twisting opposing hate speech and insisting white supremacist militias face consequences into hideous oppression. Because Muir knows that in a truly free nation, he could do whatever he wants, and you inferior scum would just have to take it.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Has He Mentioned That Liberals Are All Elitist Racists And Only Pretend Not To Be?

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because she smiles sweetly, and says "Don't worry".

You know, Muir's insistence that the liberals are the real racists is undermined by his having the immigrants eat flowers like a bunch of animals. But that's the thing isn't it--these aren't real immigrants and they aren't real liberals--they're pathetic straw versions of each he's created so his fascist scum cast can be maximally right.

Friday, April 9, 2021

And Remember, Everyone Is Really Just As Racist As Muir.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because sandstorm.

It's easy to have your opponents be hypocritical scum who will undermine their own supposed beliefs in a crunch. Just write about Muir as he is, and well, that's what will happen.

Or you can do what he does and create ludicrous strawmen, but really, why bother when you've got someone this pathetic who actually exists?

Thursday, April 8, 2021

Heh, Those Hoity-Toity Elitists!

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because what have I done?

You know, as we enter the second day of this... series, it seems like a good time to discuss the development of Muir's racism in the strip, in a bit of writing I've been preparing for some time now. There was never a magical time when DbD wasn't racist, but there was a time when its racism wasn't the noxious fever dream of white supremacy it's become. Early DbD racism was largely delivered through the instrument of Imaginary Black Man Damon explaining how liberals were the real racists, and how blacks should act like him to get ahead, and also not complain about racism. Sam and Zed were pretty much there to provide reheated office humor--when they interacted in the political side, they usually gave pseudo-centrist points in a weak effort to make it appear that Muir was impartial, while generally pushing a conservative agenda. 

Now, there's a lot of interesting things you could say about Damon's role in this, and I'll probably say them in the future, but right now we're focusing on how Muir's in-strip racism has developed. Because what happened here was Zed and Sam gradually taking over the strip, with Zed transforming from schleppy aging office worker to dangerous badass sniper, and Sam going through a lesser--but still significant--change as well. And as that happened the strip moved from simply passively celebrating 'whiteness' to asserting its superiority in ever blunter, and louder terms. Black characters who weren't Damon shifted from simple dupes of the evil Democrats to active, malevolent threats, presented in the most racist way possible, usurping the position that Arabic Muslims had held in the strip's racist universe, with a clear inspiration being the black man who dared to be elected President. (Twice.) Damon still served his original function every now and then, but by and large, he shifted into becoming a supporting character, alongside punching bag/love interest Jan for that matter. Meanwhile, Muir's preoccupation with Hispanic immigrants morphed into an almost constant fear, springing up again and again.

But Muir's definition of whiteness had a further transmutation in its future. While there was always a part of Muir that tended to celebrate assholishness, he also enjoyed a pretense of reasonableness and intellectualism. Following the cast's mostly moving to Zed's father's ranch (or as I like to call it 'the compound'), Muir began more and more to celebrate--well, being a redneck as the epitome of whiteness, something that got worse after Trump got elected. Muir might love to go on and on about how white men were the ones who kept civilization running, but he feels that the highest form of that civilization are the people who hang truck-nuts on their bumpers. Of course, Sam also gets to pretend to be Asian, in Muir's eternal effort to Not Racist--but as depicted, she's white. Zed and Sam are a white couple, with white kids, and they "defend" what Muir insists is "white culture"--being sexist, racist, boorish asshats who scream and attack everyone who differs from them. Whites who are different from this "ideal" are weak, effete, hypocritical and "real racists". They lack the "honesty" of the volk--despite the fact that Muir spouts untruth on a basis that borders on the pathological.

It's not that Muir used to be better, in essence--it's that he used to try and cover-up his obnoxiousness with a veneer of attempted politeness. That's gone. In its place rises a contempt for anyone different and a worship for crude power. The belief that being a jerk means you're superior.

Wednesday, April 7, 2021

Chevy Chase, MD, That Well Known Bastion Of Left Wing Thought.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because when you're lost in the rain in Juarez, and it's Eastertime too.

Because all the "blue states" are evil monoliths of "real racism". Just another fine example of Muir's extreme racism and extreme stupid.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Now, We're Trying To Mix In Biological Warfare With Our Racism!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I wish I was a fisherman.


The first time Muir treats Covid as a threat in months, and it's as something the immigrant hordes are carrying. And which he dreams of spreading to "blue cities", in a fine display of his vile racism, phony patriotism, deep stupidity and pathetic cowardice all at once. Muir's so lost, he thinks something that shows he's not just completely vile, he's an utter moron who doesn't know how things works is a sterling display of courage and wit.

Monday, April 5, 2021

The Butternutterbooism Is Strong With This One.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because oleanders, growing outside her door.

Slavery being defined as 'telling white guys to do things they don't wanna'. Which is pretty much what the Confederacy insisted was the REAL slavery, so  yeah, Muir's a perfect match to his scumbag heroes.

Sunday, April 4, 2021

The Point Is 'Wimmen!'.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because mandarine.

This is of course Muir trying to prove something by using out-of-context quotes of women who are invariably smarter and more accomplished than him, all from the viewpoint of his blinkered, wrong-about-everything worldview.

What is hard to pin down, but the gist of it seems to be that the world should be run by stupid white guys who don't know what the fuck they're talking about. Like Muir. And hey, he has a crappy comic strip, so point made.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

"This Fight, Where Nobody Is Actually Fighting..."

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because life is like a hurricane, here in Duckberg.

Oh, shut up, you racist, treacherous fascist. You're not only not a patriot, you think the least patriotic behaviors possible make you one.

Friday, April 2, 2021

Finding New Ways To Be Racist.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because that Chinese music going on.

This is probably the best example of the use of the word 'illegals' as a slur to deny these people humanity that I can imagine.

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Captain Mitty Despises The 60s Counterculture In All Its Forms!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Olivia de Haviland.

Muir's insistence on having his sole "Jewish" character be the blonde-haired blue-eyed proponent of ethnic cleansing continues to be a thing.