Friday, April 2, 2021

Finding New Ways To Be Racist.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because that Chinese music going on.

This is probably the best example of the use of the word 'illegals' as a slur to deny these people humanity that I can imagine.


  1. This is the same Chris Muir who once believed the American media was forcing a false narrative of failure and dysfunction upon an Iraqi people who were being denied agency and a voice of their own.

    He has come a long, dreadful way.

    1. Has he really? At least on this subject? Did Muir ever really give a shit about the Iraqis, or did he use the pretense that he was speaking for them as a bludgeon to label critics of the war racists? And at the risk of begging the question even more, I'll say the fact that he used anti-Muslim slurs and arguments throughout (if not as nasty as they were going to get) and showed no concern for any of them getting killed in the crossfire, I'm going to suggest the answer's pretty clear on this one.
