Sunday, May 9, 2021

Imagine The Progress We Could Make If A Small Wealthy Elite Did Whatever They Wanted!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Romance of the Dragon and Phoenix Precious Hairpins.

Ahh, fascism. The system that can go from 'We must return to traditional values' to 'We must smash these false humanistic values that hold back progress' in a heartbeat, because the point is backing whatever is cruel and will produce their ideal world of them being a privileged sociopathic bully forever.


  1. Muir is devolving into a third-grade bully right before our eyes. This is just childish spitballing.

    1. Oh he's not devolving into a third-grade bully. He's losing the ability to pretend to be anything but a third-grade bully.

      The core value of DbD has always been that the bully is the superior American. It's just gotten louder.

    2. Maybe, but he used to dress it up with a sharpness, wit and talent for wordplay that seems to be drying up by the hour these days. He's become the snickering kid in class yanking the girl's pigtails in front of him.

    3. Again I think you're overegging the pudding here--he used to be able to manage a gag a day format, not brilliantly but at least with a certain measure of competence. His going into the crazy has undermined it, while having a dedicated and undiscerning fanbase has insulated him from the realization that his strip now is awful concentrated.

  2. I will never forget how my attempt to be a dissenting voice in good faith four years ago resulted in him not only banning me and deleting me almost immediately, but flat-out lying to the peanut gallery about what I had said and how I had said it. It was gobsmacking.
