Tuesday, May 18, 2021

It Will Doubtless Go As Well As All His Other Dodgy Investments.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I feel the magic between you and I.

It's pretty clear a lot of this is because Muir has no idea what to do with Skye since making her a full hivemind member and removing much of what appears to have fueled his clear sexual attraction to the character. 

There's something so sad about a man who can't admit that he likes tattoos on women, because they don't fit the bizarre Rat Pack era definition of sexy he insists is the end-all and be-all on the matter.


  1. "....removing much of what appears to have fueled his clear sexual attraction to the character."

    You're implying he wanted to hate-fuck her before?

    1. Muir's thirst for Skye prior to her reformation was pretty blatant. That it has subsided now that she is more "respectable" only makes the irony more blatant.
