Sunday, May 16, 2021

Muir Goes Full America First Committee. Never Go Full America First Committee.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because when it starts, the meter clicks and it goes running all through the night.

And here we see Muir insisting his racism and transphobia are just him being for workers and women, that his sucking up to foreign dictators that he now sees as allied to the cause is him being a man of peace. And remember, he might insist something else tomorrow, because he's awful.


  1. Muir gets more incoherent and muddled by the day. I'll say it again---it really is an incredible thing to be witnessing.

    1. In some ways, this is one of the more coherent strips of late, because Muir has borrowed his argument from someone else. But the central argument is a mess to begin with, and Muir clearly is just nodding along without understanding what is being said.
