Monday, October 11, 2021

Muir Rants About Things Only He And His Fellow Crazies Care About.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because without a postcard.



Muir continues to demonstrate that he will applaud not merely the fascist takeover but scream that backstabbers were behind the entire collapse and it was evil foreign puppets who stopped the holy genocide of the non-whites.


  1. Another one where I had to read it two or three times before I understood who was even speaking, and to whom. Lord, how can anyone be so BAD at this after doing it every single day for 19 years??

    It is astonishing how he'll just assert the most outrageous things as if they're droll fact. There exists no evidence that Biden is profiteering off his son's escapades. But that doesn't remotely matter.

    1. You're absolutely right. The whole thing is badly blocked, and incoherent to boot.

      As for Hunter Biden, it's like an endless levels of assumption. This thing is happening the way Muir says it is, AND it's an evil scheme, and Joe Biden is tied to it, somehow.
