Monday, April 22, 2024

Proud To Be Wrong And Evil On Everything.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Chicago Transit Authority.

Muir's inability to understand that things aren't always zero-sum, and that the actions he's proposing would have incredible destabilizing effects on the world says so much.

As does the fact that even his opposition to aid to Israel is morally bankrupt.


  1. Yeah, that's quite an achievement. He somehow manages to oppose giving aid to Israel for the WRONG reasons. (Though it's somewhat surprising he's opposed, actually, given his on-the-record enthusiasm for the mass slaughter of Muslims.)

    I'm just always astonished at HOW insane these people's understanding of the world is. They think the Green New Deal is some kind of genocidal plot against them. That's actually something they think. Never mind that it's completely off-the-charts mad, and makes absolutely no sense from any conceivable angle.
    I've said this before but I just keep thinking of the time Muir had Zed referring to the CFPB as a "Democratic slush fund". It was a complete non-sequitur that made no functional sense. Viewing the Green New Deal proposals as a plot to massacre conservatives is similarly nonsensical, only with the crazy cranked up to a hundred.

    1. They need everything they oppose to be not only stupid, but immeasurably wicked, and their opponents to be supervillains.

      That impulse doesn't produce a lot of coherence in most circumstances, and it absolutely fails when what they oppose are perfectly decent, reasonable actions.

  2. Even if the entirety of government was as evil and corrupt as they think, I'm trying to understand how exactly it would benefit them to kill off their entire tax base. Even the supposed villainy makes no sense here.

    1. I guess becuz they just so evullllllllz

    2. Yep, that is about the level of logic we are looking at here.
