Monday, February 11, 2019

"Youse Is All Criminal Scum!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because have you seen her dressed in blue?

Yes, that's how the Democrats won the suburbs.  Criminals.  Right.

Gonna be a long two years.

1 comment:

  1. Yesterday I was briefly meandering through some 2006 strips (incidentally, I just happened by chance to discover the introduction of Skye), and...really, I just can't get over how un-insane they were. Yeah, I don't agree with the point of view at all and it's very factually challenged,'s SANE. The writing is sane. The mind that wrote it was sane.

    The person who wrote those strips would never, ever write this one about the Democratic "base." I do not know what happened to that person. I really don't. But he is GONE.
