Sunday, March 3, 2019

"Why Does The Inferior Lugenpresse Bother When Our Superior Purity Will Defeat Them?"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Galibardi.

And it's the latest installment of "Yes, Muir's a Fascist Now."


  1. I would love for Muir to be forced to work in a newsroom --- a real one --- for a couple of weeks. Boy, would his world be turned upside down.

    1. He was apparently embedded in Iraq for a week.

      He more or less boasted about it constantly for awhile.

  2. Yeah, and I have to give him credit for that---most of us wouldn't have done it. But given that he now appears to regard the entire enterprise as misbegotten--without, of course, the slightest acknowledgment of how mistaken and factually inaccurate his contemporary analysis was--he deserves no credit for having learned anything from it.

  3. (I really have always wondered HOW he arranged that, though. He wasn't an official journalist, so how did he manage to land himself in that position?)

    1. He was being published in newspapers at the time, so he could be counted, technically, as a journalist.

  4. Huh. It's really as simple as that?
