Sunday, January 9, 2022

Protocols Of The Learned Elders, Salsa Remix.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the Queen's Necklace.

...The fascinating thing is that Muir doesn't even seem to realize how nonsensical the conspiracy he's sketching is, a mass of destruction action for no discernible motive. Oh, Muir could doubtless produce a bizarre explanation for his evil "liberals" to do all this, based on his belief that they are fundamentally evil subhuman reptile people who like to do evil. But it would be the meaningless word salad of a man who doesn't think about things, but merely rationalizes his preexisting opinions. Ironically, Muir is closer to being this sort of malevolent figure who does only evil than those he hates, and yet it's quite clear he imagines that all his contrarian nonsense is righteous. Like every fascist, Muir has fallen further into his poisonous world view because it tells him what he wants to hear--that his worst impulses are actually good, that people who know more than him don't, that being a hateful, ignorant coward is how one is a clever and a brave man.


  1. Yeah, none of it makes any sense--if this global elite is making so much money off the "proles," why would they want to kill everyone off and destroy all the countries of the world, thus completely undermining their own business? They seem to be interested only in mindless destruction...and I have to agree with you, Muir is doing some pretty serious projecting here.

    1. As I noted, Muir and his fans are probably as close to their imagined villains as you can be, and even they at least have an understandable reason to act like that.

  2. Ever since I rediscovered DBD in 2015 after not paying attention to it for a few years, I have been continuously astounded, even awed, by the sheer insanity of what people like Muir and his peanut gallery believe is happening in the world. It's all just so aggressively CUCKOO. It's not even darkly funny--it's just morbid and disturbing. I never knew that paranoia and delusion on this scale could exist before.

    1. I'm in constant WTF mode while reading that stuff, including the comments.

  3. "Please, what are the names of these people who fancy themselves our betters?"

    "Since they own the Corporate News Media, the FBI, the CIA, and a large portion of The Swamp and have standing orders to maintain their anonymity there’s just about only one avenue of approach.
    Get the lists of Corporate board members and find out who shows up multiple times and then find out who-knows-who.
    It is not an accident that the same software LE uses to identify mafia members can be used to identify those who would be our Corporate Overlords.
    On a side note Carl Benjamin aka Sargon of Akkad pointed out the universal use of religious terms when the Dems referred to Government and the Capitol. This is a direct reference to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s assertion the The State Is God, a sentiment held universally by all Socialists of any stripe, Fascists, Communists, the Woke, you name it."

    "I just hope there are enough conservative, un-jabbed, Washington state residents with guns, spine, and friends to give these petty tyrants pause.
    If things are set up properly so that the families set up cells, and cell members watch each others’ backs, then when the “Strike Farce” comes to take away The UnJabbed Family, it won’t be The Family that fights back, but The Cell that shoots the Strike Farce in the back (and deservedly so)."


    Insane. These people are legitimately mad.
