It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Mr. O'Malley.
One day, this damn electoral seesaw this country is presently on will end, one way or the other. Muir's made it clear which way he'd prefer. It's way that would end with democracy dead, or more likely in temporary abeyance. It would also, I suspect, end with the hobbling of this nation, because reality is real, and the Right doesn't seem to grasp that.
They're all so crazy. What planet has this lunatic been living on for the past year???
"The GOP not only didn’t lift a limp finger to stop it, they actively HELPED the blues cheat in 2020. If there’s the least indication they won’t do the same in 2022 and 2024 I’ve yet to see it. Quite the opposite – the GOP’s submissive silence on The Crime of the Century is deafening."
"Submissive silence"?!? Is he serious?!