Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Totally A Real Thing.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because well, that happened.

Muir's ability to be a gullible putz as he searches for ways to be a bold contrarian never ceases to inspire... something. 


  1. The other day I said JTC and eon are the most insane. I forgot about Halley.


    "In one very real sense, the mass psychosis they are trying to inflict over Jan.6 is scarier than the mass psychosis they’ve successfully inflicted over Covid1984. Because it ultimately contains the 'rationale' for murdering (or at the very least gulag-ing) MAGA patriots. We’ll see how desperate the Junta gets before any real pushback starts to happen, as year #3 of No Real Pushback begins…"


    Can you imagine waking up every day in a reality where you're convinced your political rivals are literally out to imprison and kill you?

    Oh, wait.

    WE are the ones who ARE increasingly living in that reality.
    Which makes the projection and gaslighting all the more stunning.

  2. And then there's Too+Tall, who speaks for millions:

    "The primary means of transmission for the Wuhanic Plague is fecal-oral as documented in any number of peer-reviewed scientific and medical studies.
    BUT, if masks and social distancing make you feel virtuous and identify you as a member of the losing team, by all means keep on keeping on. Just remember to keep getting those failed experimental mRNA jabs as early and often as possible to hasten the cleansing of the gene pool."

    How does this happen to a society? How?
