Monday, January 2, 2023

Our Brutal, Arbitrary Purge Shows What A Beacon Of Freedom We Are!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Laphroig.

The most revealing part of all this is how Muir has everyone just nodding along at the plan to persecute churches and charitable organizations who aren't on board with the new regime. The man who keeps insisting his opponents are Nazis goes to the Third Reich's playbook, and likely doesn't realize it because he thinks fascism is anything that won't let him do whatever terrible thing he wants.


  1. And just to add to the someone who grew up in the Soviet bloc when it was still the Soviet bloc, I see that the town of Gunpowder hasn't just gone full-on fascist, it's also gone full-on Soviet Communist! The Soviet government was also known for seizing the property of politically inconvenient people they didn't like.

    Congratulations, Muir! Just remember, in Soviet Russia, the comic strip draws you.

    1. Oh, yeah. It's a popular move with any authoritarian dictatorship. It's the blood and soil politics that make Muir's brand distinctly fascist. But even so, he and many of his fellows on the far right's favored form of government is far closer to a Soviet bloc dictatorship than they realize.
