Monday, January 23, 2023

So Many Bad Ideas, Working Together To Be Worse.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Cragganmore.

A nudie debit card that will be linked the bullion-backed currency of an unrecognized secessionist state

By all rights this should end with Gunpowder County pumped and dumped by speculators while leaving the Feds to clean up the bankrupt, collapsing insurrection, but Muir doesn't get finance or government, so things will continue to run by magic.


  1. I also love the ensuing discussion about how supposedly "sexy" this debit card is. I suppose seeing a howler monkey scream face on my card could maybe serve as an expression of my financial anxiety, but sexiness this ain't.

    1. I don't call 'em "Picasso Pinup Girls" for nothing. Muir's reach has extended his grasp in these matters for the entirety of the strip's run.

    2. Yeah, and I can definitely tell that this is trying to imitate some of those pin-up girl paintings of the 50s and's just that, regardless of how you feel about the content, those guys actually had the artistic chops to pull it off...Muir's version looks a bit terrifying.

  2. Ironically, if he'd just stuck to his old, simple style, the pinup stuff would actually be a bit more appealing, since it wouldn't have the badly traced photo faces that result in, as you guys call it, "howler monkey scream face".
