Monday, May 29, 2023

And Back To This.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because wings of silver, nerves of steel, Silverhawks.

It's clear Muir is trying to make Ian's face some kind of suspenseful buildup.

Because he doesn't realize that it doesn't matter, as Ian will be another poorly drawn member of the hivemind who's almost indistinguishable from Solomon Grundy.


  1. Indistinguishable, except that judging by the use of the "punkin" endearment, he may turn out to be an actual middle-aged man instead of a youth who merely looks like one. Remember, Mari is supposed to be very emotionally mature for her age, and a large segment of the MAGA right-wing believes that the tradition of middle-aged men taking much younger brides was a good and healthy one, especially since it was easier to force a young wife to submit to her "appointed role." I'm bracing myself for some gross storyline where an older rancher has seduced Mari and the rest of the family applauds the development (maybe after "comical" angry Dad theatrics from Zed.) You know all the old guys in the peanut gallery would love it too.

    1. I think he already mentioned Ian as an age appropriate match in a past strip. Though, yeah, Muir pulling this idiocy out of his hat wouldn't shock me.

    2. I would say I was relieved to hear that, except that his storylines have not been consistent...and anyway, the guy will still look like he's 50.
