Saturday, May 6, 2023

Tonight On Badly Blocked Theatre...

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because who will love a little sparrow?

Wow. Muir is definitely rushing through his strips these days.


  1. Aaaand once again, I cannot tell what I'm looking at. Don't know who's talking, who's saying what to whom, or what they're even talking about. How the peanut gallery never gets confused, I will never understand.

    1. And, as usual, you are not alone. I have no idea what's going on in this strip. Eggs are too expensive, omelettes are only acceptable food for the perverts in San Francisco, Tucker works as both security and a waiter? and "Blue" people are, of course, evil. I'm not sure the peanut gallery even cares if any of this is comprehensible, they're just here to bash the libs.

    2. Yeah, I think for the Peanut Gallery it doesn't matter if the strip's a jumble. This is about bonding the five minute hate. While some strips are doubtless more comprehensible if you're fully plugged into the Wingnutosphere, in the end, they don't need to comprehend them. Just laugh along to the general idea of owning the libs.
