Tuesday, May 2, 2023

He Is Now Literally Going On About Bodily Fluids.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because giant lobster attack.


You know, it's fascinating the things Muir is having his imagined utopia focus on. Crazy marginalia is treated as vital, while vital functions are treated as matters that can be handled easily.


  1. And, once again, I love that these characters are convinced we will all be clamoring and fighting for their "pure" unvaccinated blood. Just like all the "blues" and New Yorkers who are dying for the chance to move to their little desert hellhole, and have to be kept away. Delusion breeds some...interesting...plotlines.

    1. Oh, I know. Much like the ridiculous Covid-vaccine conspiracy it sprang from, this runs on pure unadulterated nightmare logic. There is a reason for these nutters to want blood from their fellow unvaccinated, even if it is ignorant and paranoid. But imagining the vaccinated wanting their blood... well, it's searching for more things to be scared about.
