It's the Day's Day of Days! Because his name was King.
A reminder both of Muir's essential awfulness, and Muir's ability to ignore natural disasters when they happen to Texas or Florida.
A day by day look at Chris Muir's Day By Day, punctuated by efforts to make the hurting stop.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because his name was King.
A reminder both of Muir's essential awfulness, and Muir's ability to ignore natural disasters when they happen to Texas or Florida.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because that cow would eat you and your whole family, if it got a chance.
Aside from the slogan that has always at least been at part aimed at the Democratic Party's name--that's what brilliant political insight is encouraged among the right--it's fascinating to see Muir's hatred for ever larger numbers of the population blossom. He's gone from thinking he and his have the right to rule because they are actually the majority, no matter what that lying vote says, to thinking that they have the right to rule because they simply have it, and if the majority doesn't like it, they must be crushed by his side's superior will.
After all, only a Nazi wouldn't allow them to impose their wills on the nation to create an ethnostate and bring back the glorious past that has been denied by the inferior scum that have taken over at the behest of their secret hidden masters.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the page is white.
You know, I was wondering what to focus on... the racism, the ignorant conspiracy theories joined with pseudolaw, the curmudgeony old man feel of the strip, and then I remembered... they think they've seceded from the country they want to toss other states out of.
It hasn't even been a year and that plotline has screeched to a halt, and become an inconvenient elephant in the room.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because mambo number five.
Alas, Kiko now suffers from posititis where a cast member finds themselves in the same exact pose for days on end. How tragic.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I'm a dancing fool.
I don't know what's worse, the cloying and obvious attempts to gain sympathy or Muir's overall ineptitude at it. It's not just schmaltz, it's bad schmaltz, and oh, yes, written about a bunch of fictional fascists for a bunch of real fascists.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because hold the lion.
The strip that not only remains dedicated to fighting the battles of yesterday, but recycling its bad jokes as well.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Galaxian.
Of course, once you pull out Muir's laundry list of Leftist Evil, you realize the behaviors he's talking about match up with... his own. Because the projection is total, and once you decide that your performative, brain-dead cruelty is strength, and also reason and logic, well, nothing will persuade you otherwise. Not arguments, because you know that only the feeble-minded and emotional would dare argue against your genius truth, and not failure, because you know that only happens when the other side cheats.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I cried to the rock please hide me.
Muir will pull out shit like this and then accuse his foes of being Nazis. Over and over again.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because feeling unknown and you're all alone.
Muir's insistence that his cast aren't killing people, wink wink, tends to break down when his not killing people alternatives are all deeply awful. I mean, these shitheads with what is essentially a mind control ray?
Nightmare material.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Rockford Files music.
Muir doesn't get how turning his cast into a racist militia guarded by Terminator robots might make them hard to relate to.
Also, his robot sketches seem to be getting worse. Likely because he's tracing over tracings of tracings by this point.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because let George do it.
The reason none of the cast's troubles create sympathy is because they're so deeply awful. Even in what are supposed to be moments of weakness, they are smug, cruel and vicious.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I will show you fear in a handful of dust.
The blocking has achieved new levels of awful.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because zig zag.
The incoherence is getting astonishing these days. About the only thing that comes through is Muir's desire for his side to be able to threaten and hurt people he doesn't like.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because whole foods.
I never expected to feel sympathy with Aaron Rodgers, and yet that horrible accident happened. And now this strip has happened, and I'm feeling it again, because his misfortune is being used for a terrible joke in this awful, awful strip.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because not for all the tea in China.
It has been... a thing to watch Muir's gradual transformation into an alternative medicine boosting paranoid anti-vaxxer. The strangest part is even though it doesn't resemble his initial set of delusions, it makes total sense for him to have adopted such a set of beliefs. It doesn't lead to the bafflement that his turn towards isolationism and intermittent Putin-boosting has.
Probably why you don't see him fidgeting awkwardly on the topic, as we see with the latter.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because side-effects include.
I'm going to swiftly move on from this strip, aside from noting that Muir clearly thought that this was funny and a good idea to have happen.
Just think about that. Let it sink in.
Yeah. Yeah. I know.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because that was wild.
The fundamental laziness gets to you, even before the awfulness does.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because ammonite.
And the cast has weaponized their hatred of the left, cities, and immigrants.
It's almost impressive, in a disgusting way.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because ruby red.
The laziness of this strip is almost as offensive as the politics.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because ibuprofen.
Ahh, yes, Muir. Allowing random assholes to form what amounts to gangs so they can threaten officials... that's what the 2nd Amendment is for.
Speaking of which, did you know the reason the wording is so awkward is there was originally a clause about exemption of service for religious purposes? But yes, clearly it's about giving random assholes access to guns.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because a grim slog of a game.
Ahh, yes, because everyone knows that Washington was such a fan of rural insurrection.
Again, the pose of patriotism from people who think they get to suspend the Constitution or declare themselves a sovereign nation when they lose is... well, sickening.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because wax museum.
Ahh, that general hatred for the government for not being run exactly the way Muir wants it to be.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because JUCO.
That entire strip exists for a terrible and obvious punchline that does not in fact line up with what is said in it at all.
So, yeah, I'm betting Muir ripped off some bad joke an online acquaintance here made and muddled it beyond repair.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because by Vectron!
This is an interesting interplay of several of Muir's dangling plotlines that have gone off. We've got the border nonsense and the robot guards who are implicitly killing immigrants, but who Muir never lets do that onscreen so that he can pretend that nothing terrible is happening. Note that they are still preoccupied with this despite having insisted the county seceded previously, but then that plot was a while ago. We've got the other ranch the family has finagled with the tragic death of Frankenjack, somehow tying into this. We've got the robots that Muir keeps making because he loves Terminator, who keep pretending they're important, yet keeping falling out of the strip, because Muir vaguely seems to realize he has no good use for them and they make it hard to write conflict.
All with bad cheesecake art, because that's what this strip is about.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because can you hear me?
Muir's confused sense of history has only gotten worse as the years roll along, and in this case it's being projected through online misogyny to create a bizarre jumble. Figuring out just when Muir sees this period of men running things ending, and when he sees this period of women ruining things beginning is... well, pretty much impossible, because it's pretty clear Muir has no idea what he's talking about. Just vibes, that he's frequently absorbed second or third-hand.
And goddamn it, those two look so grotesque in that first panel.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because the five red herrings.
As we sit staring at all that misogyny, we find ourselves asking if Muir knows that the words he's talking about have actual meanings?
We know he just doesn't get grammar. Look at that period in place of a question mark at the end. Oof.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because always the flip answer.
In strips like this one, you wonder when Muir's going to bring up the whole secession plotline again.
Cause, remember, they were declaring themselves a sovereign nation earlier in the year.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because turkey melt.
This fetid fever dream of a strip has it all--Muir ranting about the immigrants, Muir insisting hysterically that modern America is an evil police state in strife worse than anything in the Middle East, Muir insisting both parties are nothing more than a sinister COMMUNIST conspiracy unable to stand the might of Redneckistan and its mighty heavily armed hunters, Muir's terrible stock caricatures of political figures, and finally, Muir's patented bad softcore, here delivered during all the above.
It's simultaneously pathetic and worrying. This is the ranting of a weak, stupid man who thinks weak things are strong and stupid things are smart, and who writes this strip where he can make this so. Anyone outside the delusional bubble he dwells in realizes that the insurrection he's imagining here would be an utterly overmatched thing that would be crushed by the forces he imagines it would easily defeat. But even though such a group would lose, it would likely cause a great deal of death and misery in its wake. Muir imagines he would get a combination of the American Revolution and the Civil War (only with his version of the "good guys" winning this time). Instead he'd get an American version of the Years of Lead.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because beetle.
About the only point of this particular strip seems to be a vague and unsettling horniness.
It's the Day's Day of Days! Because banjo.
If Ashli Babbit wrote a lousy song with a tune lifted from a hymn, the American fash could have their very own Horst-Wessel-lied.