Saturday, September 30, 2023

Natural Disasters Are Proof Of Moral Degeneracy When They Happen To Those I Dislike!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because his name was King.


A reminder both of Muir's essential awfulness, and Muir's ability to ignore natural disasters when they happen to Texas or Florida.


  1. I thought this was likely also a commentary on the looting which went on in Philly last week. Either way, none of this adds up to "blue cities collapsing," but hey, whatever makes the breakaway republic of Texackistan feel better...

  2. Just amazing. This is not remotely close to happening in real life. By any metric. Any. At all.

    But he absolutely believes this.

    1. A lot of people on the right believe this. They absolutely buy into the scenario that blue cities are "on fire" and disintegrating, and that all these blue city refugees will start streaming out into the red rural areas any minute now (at which point, of course, they will shoot us--because that is what they do to refugees)

  3. I suspect it's a whole lot of things, but the flooding in New York is probably a large bit of it, in Muir's twisted "moral universe" worldview where being disliked by him is a mortal sin.
