Tuesday, September 26, 2023

It'd Be Easier To Sympathize With These People If Their Faces Weren't Melting.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I'm a dancing fool.

I don't know what's worse, the cloying and obvious attempts to gain sympathy or Muir's overall ineptitude at it. It's not just schmaltz, it's bad schmaltz, and oh, yes, written about a bunch of fictional fascists for a bunch of real fascists.


  1. It would also be easier to sympathize with them if they weren't such assholes.

    The schmaltzy moments always leave me feeling hollow. It's too late to make me feel for the characters. There's been too much cruelty, too much disregard for the lives of other people's children (and downright rooting for their deaths). I see a strip like this one and I can only shrug.

  2. So Muir's been leaning more heavily than usual on the "Kiko and Marie are suthernerzz, ya'll" shtick lately, which he has a history of uncomfortably mixing along with "Gosh, Kiko an' Marie talk like comic strip kids from the '30s!"

    Both versions of their speech are equal parts cringe and strangely uncomfortable.
