Wednesday, September 6, 2023

Yeah, We Went To The Moon Back Then. On Dinosaurs!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because can you hear me?

Muir's confused sense of history has only gotten worse as the years roll along, and in this case it's being projected through online misogyny to create a bizarre jumble. Figuring out just when Muir sees this period of men running things ending, and when he sees this period of women ruining things beginning is... well, pretty much impossible, because it's pretty clear Muir has no idea what he's talking about. Just vibes, that he's frequently absorbed second or third-hand.

And goddamn it, those two look so grotesque in that first panel.


  1. All I can say is, lucky for Mia that she managed to escape a culture that was oppressive to women!

    1. I honestly thought about bringing that up, but yeah, it just speaks for itself. That and Mia seems to have almost forgotten it happened now. Though it can come back at any moment, because reality in DbD is quantum.

  2. As I said, one of the most morbidly fascinating aspects of Muir's muddled dementia is the way his brain is able to apply the equation of "it's the wimmenz fault" to literally everything he hates.

    The Covid vaccines, which are a hoax ---- unless they're actually a sinister globalist plot to kill millions; whichever is true at the moment ---- are the work of women. Somehow. At least, they definitely wouldn't have happened if men hadn't "given women a shot". Because at some point men generously decided to let women run the entire west. Apparently.

    So are all the scientists at the CDC women? Are all virologists women? Is Dr. Fauci a woman?
    Or maybe he's a feminzed man. (Like Mitch McConnell, one presumes.) Does he wear pink thongs and gyrate on street corners along with James Comey?** (Who he probably has sex with. Because why wouldn't he.)

    I can almost literally feel my brain congealing from trying to make any sense out of this madman's rantings.

    **I know, I know I keep bringing that up. But what can I say. I'll never be able to get over that. I think it might just be the perfect encapsulation of what Muir's mind and worldview have deteriorated into.

    1. It does perfectly encapsulate the issue, so no, I don't blame you.

      And yes, that is the baffling part. When is this magic time when women took over? The 1970s? The 1980s? The 1990s? The 2000s? The answer is it isn't really a time at all, it's a vague impression Muir has that someone won't let him be a creep anymore.

  3. Yeah, I too would love to know when we became these all-powerful evil beings controlling the world and running it into the ground. Still waiting for that magic moment to happen.
