Thursday, October 11, 2018

Scenes From A Hellish Marriage.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because the temper of the time.


That poor, poor girl.

Oh, and also, Jan, but let's be clear, the hivemind destroyed her years ago.


  1. Remember, Damon began as a means for a white man to tell us what "good" black people really thought. So, yeah, this has always been his bailiwick.

  2. Well, right out of the box Muir made his cluelessness pretty clear with that astonished woman from the NAACP gasping " did you get to be a REPUBLICAN?" As if the concept of a black Republican was supposed to be so...SHOCKING or something. Sure, they're quite a minority, but it's hardly an original concept.

    But what grossed me out in this instance was "Kavanaugh." That is really just Muir basically jumping up and down sneering "Nyah nyah! Stoopit gurls lose an' the boys win!"
