Wednesday, January 2, 2019

I Mean, One's A US Party, The Other's A Governing Philosophy...

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because Mrs. Fox and Mr. Wolf.

And of course, we get one "drawing" of the damned compound for all three panels.


  1. For real, this kind of ignorance is painful.

    Here I am over the past two years listening to the likes of TYT, Kyle Kulinski and Majority Report as they have in-depth discussions of policy platforms, different degrees of socialism and the semantic significance of "democratic socialism" versus "social democrat" and all these other nuanced considerations----

    ---and then you have this.

    Just complete and utter ignorance. He knows nothing about these things. He's read nothing. He's listened to nothing. He's learned nothing. And he has no intention of ever doing so because he has no idea he knows nothing.

    Meanwhile, his readers regularly ascribe to progressive politics the underlying motivation of enslavement and genocide.
    Which truthfully is a delusion stark enough to merit serious psychiatric attention.

    1. As I've said before, Muir isn't even a philosophical capitalist, he's an anti-communist who would cheerfully see a totalitarian state set up if he thought it would "own libs".

    2. Except that he and his readers sincerely believe that the endgame of progressive politics is a totalitarian state. They regularly refer to the “authoritarianism” that characterizes “the left” and seem to genuinely fear being persecuted, imprisoned or executed under such rulers as “the bitch.”
      I do not understand how these people got into this upside-down world so, so, deep.

    3. The entire point of their worldview is projecting their own authoritarianism onto their enemies to justify it. Being a hard man making hard choices only works if you're in a life or death situation. Otherwise... well, it starts looking kind of awful.

  2. As you stated a few months back, they're projecting their own projection onto us.

    Among themselves, Muir's readers gravely discuss how everything "the left" accuses the right of---be it high-level corruption, authoritarianism, racism, sexism or invocation of violence---is projection onto them.

    Damnable to the point of wanting to shoot myself a few dozen times.
