Friday, January 4, 2019

Not Pictured--A Large Portion Of The Political History Of The World.

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because God bless the Tzar and keep him... far away from us.

I wonder what Muir thinks about the British Labour Party.  You know the guys who supported us on Iraq at the time.  When the conservative French government didn't.

I also wonder how the hellspawn apparently levitates.  And where exactly is the nothing place that she's taken Skye to.

I probably shouldn't.  That way lies madness.


  1. There's no excuse for this level of ignorance from somebody who considers himself to be a polemicist and social critic. It's embarrassing to read things like this. All it proves over and over again is that these guys really do not have any ideas left, and haven't for years.

    I don't know where this nothing place is, either (as long as it's not Jordan Peele's "Sunken Place"...), but at least Muir is finally attempting a bit of characterization of one of the girls, who up to now have just been props.

    Too bad he's chosen to do so with stock models that look like blue-eyed demons.

    1. One looks like an icy blue-eyed demon. The other is the same model, but with inky black eyes.

      It's as creepy as it sounds.
