Tuesday, January 1, 2019

"Just Remember That Those Not Like Us Are Inferior."

It's the Day's Day of Days! Because I sing the body electric.

The real amusing thing is that Sam is breaking her own supposed rule to tell what "an American" is.  But it's only "not questioning things" when you don't questions things like "racism is bad", or "sexism is bad", or "compassion is a virtue".


  1. Unlike the 2003 Muir, it's difficult to believe that the 2019 Muir has ever once, in his life, spoken to a "Democrat." While the 2003 Muir freely trafficked in strawmen, hyperbole and superficial baloney when depicting those he disagreed with, there was much more of a sense that he had spent a BIT of time actually listening to what people were saying. It's hard to understand how that writer could have turned into this one, for whom mere hyperbole and strawmen are not nearly enough, and must render "half the country" in tones of complete dehumanization.

    1. In 2003, he was secure in his victory, and sure that the Left was going to shrivel up and go away.

      Since then, things have declined.
