Wednesday, January 9, 2019

"This Is EXACTLY How Civil Rights Work!"

It's the Day's Day of Days!  Because the squid.

The idea that the Left has a broad alliance of people working together for the greater good is so foreign to the modern Right that it has to imagine its opponents are squabbling and divided.  After all, otherwise, it would have to admit that being a narrow group serving only its own interest--and that badly--is... different from a good chunk of the nation, and once that happened, things would likely spiral from there.


  1. It's the same kind of projection that created the vile "virtue signalling" construct. It's borne of the assumption that everyone else is as self-interested, cynical and superficial as they are.

    1. It's also what keeps them so defensive on civil rights--if you think anyone else's gain is your loss, then naturally, you want to stop it.
