Thursday, November 12, 2020

What Do You Call A Crowd Of Assholes? I Propose The Proper Phrase Is 'A Shitstain Of Assholes."

 It's a Day's Day of Days! Because I do the best I can.

So, Muir has once again dipped into the well of Theodore Beale, aka Vox Day, another Right-wing nutter I keep eyes on. (The name of his blog, 'Vox Popoli' is a misspelling of the phrase vox populi. He insists it is not but is him doing the phrase in some strange Italianized version of Latin that doesn't exist. Insisting that his mistakes are not mistakes with elaborate nonsensical explanations why is something of a Beale calling card.) Beale is a white supremacist, misogynist, MRA, and anti-Semite. He also dabbles in Holocaust denial, Moon-landing denial, creationism, and various other brands of crazy. Beale loves to insist he's not a Nazi, but his denials read rather like notorious British fascist Arnold Leese who insisted that he didn't believe in the Holocaust because six million dead was chump numbers--Beale's biggest objection to the Third Reich is they lost. (Second biggest--they weren't Christian, though Beale's definition of Christian is so odd that trust me, the Reich largely fit it.) He regularly praises Norwegian mass murder Anders Breivik, and calls him 'Saint Anders'. He was also involved in the notorious three year attempt by the Alt-Right to hijack the Hugo Awards by mass slate voting during the nomination, which he used to get works by his awful publishing house to be finalists. (They all landed below No Award in votes.)

So, yes, quality people.

I'm saying all this to make it clear the road Muir's on now. He clearly needs validation, and well, Teddy's the guy for it. Beale declares victory with a dull regularity, and when reality does not oblige, explains how what has happened is exactly the victory he was talking about. So, as we await months of Muir declaring that the President-Elect is not the President-Elect, realize that his politics are likely going to get worse, people.

Oh, so worse.

Also, Beale appears to have noticed the praise--whether this leads to him trying to enlist Muir on one of his many money-making publishing schemes has yet to be seen. Let us wait to see if further nuttiness is down the road.

POSTSCRIPT--For more info on Beale, here is his rationalwiki entry. It has links to his blog, if like me, you are a masochist an, but I'm not going to link directly to it, partially because I'm not that cruel, and partially because Beale is quite fond of having his followers cyberstalk people.

1 comment:

  1. Muir officially crossed the rubicon last year when he had Zed refer to the Christchurch mosque shooting as "a good start." That was the moral event horizon, the point of no return. That he's now hive-minding with the likes of Vox Day is no surprise in light of that. Nothing COULD be a surprise in light of that. If Muir has reached the point where he's openly praising mass murderers, he's capable of anything.
