Wednesday, December 15, 2021

A Double Dose Of Hating On The Lugenpresse!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because astonishing!

It's interesting to note that in Muir's bitching about the media today, we get an imagined victory against strawmen and an actual defeat transformed into an esoteric victory.


  1. I love that Skye compliments Bannon on his hair, the one part of him that doesn't look decayed and diseased. Smooth move there.

    1. Why DOES he look like that, anyway?

    2. Good question. My instinctive response is that it's his evil soul rotting him from the inside, but that may not be factual.

      More likely that his life has, besides just the white nationalism, included lots of booze and terrible food?

    3. I believer Twitter-Nixon once noted that Bannon looks like the kind of guy who when they die the press declares 'natural causes', because it lets them avoid saying liver failure.

      And yes, part of Skye's "victory" is sucking up to a decrepit, incompetent fascist.
