Monday, December 6, 2021

That Sure Showed Her.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because hello, Newman.

Remember, the cruel and arbitrary use of power against leftists and minorities is simply the world working as it should. The use of power to restrain the Right for any action is tyranny.

God, Muir is such a fascist shit.


  1. How many times can a group of elderly men make nasty jokes about an overweight gender-fluid person being gross and fat and people needing hazmat suits around her and hitching her to a parking meter would be cruel to the parking meter and did they mention she was fat? Because she's fat. Also, she's fat.

    How many times is enough? It's never enough, apparently.

    1. Hahaaa! That stuff just never gets old!

      I mean, for them. For me, it got old within 30 seconds or so.
