Sunday, December 19, 2021

The Cities Are Anarchy! Impure! Impure!

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because who do you love?

Muir is the embodiment of white flight, in all its bitter cowardice and deep stupidity hiding behind a mask of toughness and talk of civilization.


  1. And I believe he already did this "terrible left-wing amusement park" joke back when Obama was elected. We have definitely reached the point where he is just recycling his old unfunny stuff.

    1. Why not? The peanut gallery never tires of jokes about non-conservative women are fat, ugly, fat, gender-ambiguous, fat, gross, fat, entitled, fat, violent, fat, unsanitary and fat. And also fat. Did I mention fat?

  2. This is the most nakedly, openly, directly racist he's ever been. I was actually surprised. I shouldn't have been, but I was.

    1. That "brought to you by" tag in particular is just Muir putting his entire deck of cards on the table. That's the whole shebang, right there. Breathtaking stuff.

  3. The violent, fascist, authoritarian left, everyone.


    "And could one do a recreation of an 1880s train ride out to the Old Wild West, where the passengers were encouraged to shoot the buffalo from the train?
    (two prong reason: one, starve the Indians; two, the meat and hides were big market items back east)
    Question then is, what good would the carcasses of the BlueCityTour prisoners be to anyone? (don’t answer that. I can think of one or two, none discussed in polite company. BUUTT……here!? Let’s talk!)"



    1. Yeah, I also shouldn't be surprised by how open they are about this stuff, but yet I am, maybe because I can't imagine saying or thinking such things about my fellow human beings.

      Brought to you by "minorities, women." Always, always that hatred of women.
