Tuesday, December 6, 2022

"Also, People Are Wising Up To How We Faked The Moon Landing!"

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Bubble Bobble.

We've seen it too often to count--Muir has his straw opponents confirm every ridiculous charge. The Covid vaccine? Of course it's all actually killing people! The election in Arizona? Clearly fraud! Ukraine? Obviously just a money laundering operation! 

That reality keeps disagreeing with Muir is another sign that it is in the pay of subversives.


  1. Yep. All hail the panel-one pronouncements and their ever-increasing levels of audacity and insanity.

    On another note, I do not understand why Muir continues to allow Night-Gaunt to remain in the peanut gallery. NG is quite literally the only person permitted to contradict the hive-mind. All others who try are promptly banned, as I found out firsthand a few years ago from trying to sneak in under several different aliases. (I'll never get over the time Muir banned me and deleted my comment before anyone could read it, and flat-out lied about what I had said, to the general response of "Typical progtard. Of COURSE he said that.")
    What makes Night-Gaunt different? Why does he get the privilege of dissent? Of being quite literally the only pinhole through which light from the real world struggles to penetrate the blackness? I don't know what's up with that.

    1. I believe Night-Gaunt earned their bones, and thus is allowed their own brand of dissent--as some of the other old fans are on other subjects.Though I haven't seen many Night-Gaunt posts for awhile, so perhaps they've been unpersoned, or just decided to go elsewhere. Who knows?

    2. Nope, he's still there. Just saw him the other day.

    3. Ahh. They do seem to go silent on vax-denier strips these days.
