Thursday, July 20, 2023

Bride Of Frankenstein.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Spanish Moon.


It's kind of funny how Jack doesn't even look like the young man he's supposed to be, but the old guy pretending to be younger that he is.


  1. And then I read this in the peanut gallery:

    When a woman’s body decides it is time to become a mother,”protection” doesn’t stand a chance.

    What is that, another version of the Todd Aiken "a woman's body has a way of shutting these things down" theory?

    1. Yeah....welcome to the world of right-wing men talking about female biology, a subject on which they are unbridled experts.

      If Todd Aiken had said that stuff today, I don't think the party would allow him to be raked across the coals like they were still willing to allow a decade ago. He'd pay no price at all. None.

      Just like if Trent Lott had said that stuff about Strom Thurmond now instead of in 2003. No way would the GOP of 2023 oust him.
      Because now they know.
      Now WE know.
      I wish we did not.

    2. Yep...unbridled experts on how the female body works, and always ready to mansplain to me what I should or shouldn't do with it.

  2. Little kid to fast-growing teen to suddenly aged-up ogle-object to mother.

    All while continuing to talk like a 1930s comic strip preteen, by the way.

    So....what --- Is she gonna have a daughter herself, who will be quickly morph from an infant to another ogled buxom beauty within....I dunno....two years?

    I'm not even really joking.

    1. I realize you are not joking...on the other hand, they now have this evilllll Hispanic guy headed in their direction, so who knows what might happen. Muir might be setting us up for a tragic death.

    2. Who knows. I could totally see him having the pregnancy destroyed by the evillllll "invader", because that's what gets him and the Peanut Gallery all hot n' bothered. On the other hand, Muir also has a history of faking out the audience. He'll have something drastic happen, only to reveal it as a dream shortly after. It's happened several times.

      So we wait.

    3. Muir's fakeouts come in two major varieties--he either hints at a devastating tragedy coming, and then reveals, yeah, no nothing happened, because Muir doesn't dare really hurt the cast, or he has a bizarre plot twist that he realizes doesn't work, and so suddenly it becomes all a dream. This is looking like the first one

      The only lasting tragedy that has happened to the cast is Zed's father dying and that was pretty much a narrative necessity because Muir's toxic worldview meant it was impossible for Zed to truly be the Daddy while his Daddy was alive.
