Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Laughing At Their Own Jokes Makes Their Boobs Poke Out.

 It's the Day's Day of Days! Because Miami Connection.

This is almost the prototypical strip of this era--Sam and Jan, in two virtually unconnected panels, sneering at the failures of the imaginary version of the government which have only occurred because Muir wrote them, and implying the Chinese government controls Biden, all while looking like very bad pinup art.


  1. Jan in that second panel, particularly, is terrible, terrible pin-up art.

    1. Let's be fair--Sam's pose, which involves her twisting herself in a way that suggests she lacks a spine, is terrible too, though it takes longer for the wretchedness to sink in.

  2. Today's panel-one pronouncement™® by Sam is just about as lazy as Muir's writing gets. He'll spew out some blathering rant about something or other, and then suffix it with a comma followed by the name of whatever character is being spoken to.
    It's the barest minimum required to pass the whole thing off as actual spoken dialogue. I notice he's been doing this more and more lately, underscoring the deterioration of what little skill at writing and characterization he had before.

    The peanut gallery has some interesting commentary on this one. Some of them actually start to make some points about race/tribalism that almost sound reasonable, grounded and enlightened, but then they quickly take an abrupt turn into complete nonsense.

    Still, it's a little surprising that some of them know enough to speak about some of the distinctions they're making, which further demonstrates the point I'm always trying to make about this crowd ---- Muir's people are a type of right-winger the rest of us don't pay enough attention to. It's easy for us to laugh and look down on the stupid, ignorant, uneducated yahoos who show up at Trump rallies and get interviewed in midwestern diners all the time.
    But that isn't who the peanut gallery is, and I think sometimes we on the left and center-left let our arrogance get in the way of recognizing this element. These are educated, literate, historically knowledgeable and sometimes highly educated people.

    Who also happen to be absolutely fucking insane.

    1. You're overestimating them. These are cranks, repeating things they have heard second-hand. Speaking from a pretty broad experience in the field--this is what they do. They pick up stuff that makes them sound knowledgeable to people who don't know better (and can even make someone who knows a bit better assume they at least have some idea what they're talking about) and babble it out while thinking they're making sense.
